
  • Embracing accessible learning for SEN pupils - A ‘Q and A’ for educators

    This week, Global Accessibility Awareness Day will strike an especially deep chord for many involved in SEN education. During months of challenges induced by the pandemic, many SEN learners across the country were confronted with extra layers of accessibility issues, facing disruption to the stable, supported and often specialist environment offered to them. In our work with schools, SEN educators and families, we’ve been inspired by the dedication to ‘surviving’ this period and finding new ways for learning to ‘thrive’. 

  • Post-16 education reform - what the regions are saying

    Post-16 education in England is at a crossroads. The recently published Skills for Jobs White Paper set out the proposed reforms to post-16 technical education and training. A lot of this work is already underway within Government, and we anticipate further measures to be introduced as part of the programme announced in this week’s Queen’s Speech.