Education policy events

Watch videos of our briefing events and discussions for everything you need to know about the hot topics in education policy right now.

We hold regular events, which will usually be one of two different types:

Policy breakfast briefings

Our breakfast briefing sessions only take an hour – so you won’t lose too much of your working day. They’ll help you to keep up with the latest policy developments through a mix of presentations and commentary. You’ll even get a free breakfast!

Policy discussions

Get involved and help us tackle the big issues in education policy. These events are all about bringing academics, policymakers and practitioners together to find innovative solutions to knotty problems.

Follow us on Twitter

Follow @SteveBesley and @Pearson_UK on Twitter and you’ll be the first to know about our next education events. To join the conversation on Twitter, use the #PearsonPBB hashtag for policy breakfast briefings and look out for specific hashtags for each policy discussion event.

Watch videos of our education policy events

If you can’t make it to one of our policy discussions or breakfast briefings, don’t worry. We film all our events so you can watch them online.

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