Be the Future learning outcomes
In collaboration with the Peter Jones Foundation, we are delighted to be relaunching the social enterprise competition for learners in school or college.
The Pearson/Peter Jones Foundation Social Enterprise Challenge has clear links to the learning outcomes of GCSEs, A Levels, and BTEC qualifications.
Be the Future's links to PSHE education
Many schools will see economics education as having three strands:
- Financial literacy and capability (understanding financial transactions and financial institutions).
- Economic and Business Understanding
(EBU) (this might include an understanding of jobs and skills in their local community, pay levels for different jobs, and influences on consumer like advertising and peer pressure).
- Enterprise education (developing enterprise skills including team working, problem solving, communicating effectively, maybe through setting up and running businesses at varying levels of sophistication, engaging with a range of employers and employees or through organising voluntary activities
and charity events).
Be The Future clearly aligns with the third strand.
The Ofsted Inspection Framework
Economic education is not a statutory requirement. However, inspectors do have to judge how effectively:
- “The provider prepares learners for life in modern Britain”
- “Leaders take on or construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners ... the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.”
Be The Future could be an opportunity to deliver an enterprise activity.
Semi-integrated with GCSE and A Levels
Be The Future could be semi-integrated into GCSE and A level Business as suggested in the two activities:
- GCSE 2.1.4 Environmental trade offs
- A Level 1.3.1 After Glasgow