• Playful preparation for the Phonics Screening Check - A Teacher Toolkit

    It’s almost Phonics Screening Check (PSC) time, and many primary schools will already have started their preparations to help each one of their learners boost their life-long literacy journey. After more than 10 years supporting teachers with the Bug Club Phonics range, we’ve put together this playful toolkit of ideas to keep young learners engaged, help them revise and thrive, and close the gaps with fun and positivity.

  • Getting started with phonics for 4-year-olds

    How many people do you think can remember learning to read? Can they remember the days, weeks, months and years their primary school teachers took teaching them a skill that would open up a world of opportunities? How many can remember recognising those initial letters on the page, combining the letters and sounds to form words and then attaching meaning to those words? The chances are, not many. For those that struggled with reading however, the memories are probably more vivid.

  • Making eBooks Count: The case for online readers to support development by Ben Connor

    Research has shown that enjoyment of reading is key to future success. However, we also live in a digital age, where our pupils spend a vast amount of their time consuming information via digital and social media platforms. Although print is important, access to digital books on a range of devices can give children more opportunities to read.

  • Too Grown up for picture books? by Ceridwen Eccles

    A picture book is classed as one in which a narrative is combined with a visual element. This can take the form of wordless storybooks to graphic novels. Traditionally, there has been an assumption that these books are primarily geared towards younger readers, but increasingly, teachers and parents are seeing the benefit to academic attainment, mental wellbeing and inspiring reluctant readers to engage and take joy from reading for all aged children. And indeed, for adults. 

  • Strategies for getting parents on board – what works? by Lindsay Pickton

    There are two high-frequency themes that arise in the engagement of parents/guardians in the development of reading at home: reaching those that you really, really want to reach; and moving others away from thinking that listening to their child read more challenging words is the goal. This latter has a related issue: once the child can read independently, there can be a perception that no more parent-level engagement is required – and we’ll come back to that.

  • Reading for Writing by Ben Connor

    The chicken or the egg. What comes first, reading or writing? In this blog Ben Connor discusses how reading supports successful writing.