• Digital Assessment Research: Mode Comparability

    Student performance across onscreen and paper-based exams

    We believe that exams should be a fair and accurate reflection of students’ performance – regardless of whether an exam is taken onscreen or on paper.

    That’s why our research focuses on many aspects of comparability – including student performance across paper and digital exams.

  • Digital Assessment Research: Text Styling and Formatting

    We believe that all students should be able to best show what they know and can do in exams – regardless of whether the exam is taken onscreen or on paper.   

    That’s why we’re continuously researching and gathering feedback to better understand and inform how we can enhance accessibility and inclusion in exams – including through text styling and formatting.

  • Digital Assessment Research: Marking Consistency

    We believe that exams should be a fair and accurate reflection of students’ performance – regardless of whether an exam is taken onscreen or on paper.

    That’s why our research programme not only focuses on comparability of student performance, but also explores if and how marking may compare between paper and digital exams formats.

  • Digital Assessment Research: Evolving Accessibility and Inclusion

    Understanding digital assessment experiences for students with SEND

    We believe that all students should be able to best show what they know and can do in exams – regardless of whether those exams are taken onscreen or on paper, and irrespective of each student’s unique background, ability or needs.    

    That’s why we’ve been using a range of methods to research how different learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) experience digital assessments. The findings can help us better understand if, where, and how technology can enhance accessibility and inclusion in exams.

  • Climate-conscious schools: how can you make a difference?

    Continuing our focus this month on all aspects of sustainability, from menu evaluations to energy-saving initiatives, Clare Cox, Sustainability Lead at Pearson, shares with Education Today some of the steps schools are taking to become more sustainable, and collates key tips and advice from leading voices across the sector.

  • Helping our young people become sustainably minded citizens

    Featuring this month in Education Today is Becki Huth, the Sustainability and Forest School Lead at Cutteslowe Primary School, which is part of the Riverside Learning Trust in Oxford. She tells us about the wide-ranging sustainability initiatives that have been implemented at her school and the surprising impact they have had on both the pupils and the school community.

  • What Could Remote Invigilation Mean For Education?

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    By Ashley Harrold

    As published in HWRK Magazine. Ashley Harrold, CEO of Inspired Online Schools, explains how remote invigilation unlocked access to International GCSE exams with Pearson in 2023 and what it means to students now and in future.