• Textbooks in maths - why the scare-factor?

    In this blog Beth Smith (Head of Primary at White Rose Maths and author on Power Maths) explores how teachers can use well-researched, high-quality textbooks and their accompanying Teacher Guides effectively in their classrooms to support their teaching.

  • Supporting your mastery journey

    Making sense of mastery

    Since the Department for Education (DfE) announced their plans to support primary schools with implementing a teaching for mastery approach, mastery has become synonymous with maths teaching.

  • Primary maths

    The role of the story in teaching primary maths

    One of my favourite times of the school day is reading the class story before home time – the children sit in rapt attention, rising and falling with the fortunes of their favourite characters. I’ve always been interested in the thinking skills that underpin all learning. The powerful magic of storytelling can play a deep role in maths teaching, too.

  • Making the challenge of meeting each child’s distinct learning needs manageable

    As children move through primary school there are always concepts or objectives that some children fail to master before it’s time to move the class on. This means that each child has a unique set of strengths, as well as the potential for small gaps in their knowledge and skills, and areas about which they feel less confident.

  • Primary boy and and girl in classroom

    Getting to Grips with the Bar Model

    Just like many teachers, we publishers are also getting to grips with best practice from South East Asia. Pearson recently sponsored and attended the White Rose Maths Hub Bar Modelling Conference - here’s what we learned!