A level revision
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Free past papers
To help you practise key skills and feel confident for exams, our past paper search gives you access to a large library of free past exam papers and mark schemes, for Pearson Edexcel A level subjects.

Careers hub
If you’re considering your A level subject choices at school or college, or thinking about your future beyond school, you’ll find support and advice on our careers hub. Why not take our careers quiz to see how your interests match up to potential careers?
More free resources and support
We’ve used our 180+ years of experience in educational publishing, combined with assessment insights and the latest technology to provide the ultimate revision and exam preparation tools. Beyond exam preparation they will build your confidence, knowledge and skills to prepare you for the next stage of your learning journey. No one can prepare you like Pearson.
Support for students, parents and carers
Whether you’re a secondary school student or supporting someone who is, find qualifications, resources, and career guidance.
Wellbeing support
Feeling a certain amount of concern or worry about exams is natural. We're here to support you as much as possible with wellbeing resources that have been created with you in mind.