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  • A coastal beach scene with palm trees in the forefront.

    The Ultimate Summer Break Bucket List

    Mandy Gonzales

    It's that time of year again! The sun is shining, and there’s still plenty of time to enjoy your well-earned free time and make the most of your summer break. From visiting new places to learning new skills, you'll find all the best ways to make the most of your summer break listed here! Start making your bucket list now! 

    1. Build Your Resume 

    Though nobody wants to spend their entire break working, summer is a great time to look at different career opportunities and start adding experiences to your resume! Great opportunities to consider can range from volunteer work to internships to seasonal jobs. Committing to any of these options will show future potential employers that you are hard-working and that you have valuable experience in the workforce (and will give you some extra spending cash!). Not sure where to start? Reach out to your college’s career counselor or head onto Pearson+ to check out what actively hiring career opportunities they recommend to you! 

    2. Learn a New Skill 

    What’s that one thing you’ve always wanted to do but just never found the time to get around  to? Well, now’s your time to get started! Whether you’ve always wanted to start playing an instrument, learn how to sew, cook up new recipes, or start a homemade garden, nothing’s stopping you now that you’re on break! Dip your toes into different hobbies and learn more about what interests you. You can also check out what clubs and organizations your school offers and connect with new people who share your passions! 

    3. Get Outside 

    Especially if you live someplace where the winters are long and cold (like I do!), now’s the time to get outside and enjoy the warm weather! Some of my favorite outdoor activities include hiking national parks, swimming at the pool, biking around town, having picnics in the park, or finding some local live music to listen to. Even something as simple as sitting on your porch while you read or scroll your phone can be a breath of fresh air! Make sure not to waste the days before you’ll be sitting inside of classrooms all day again! 

    4. Explore a New Place 

    Exploring someplace new can range from traveling to a different city to making it a goal to find a new coffee shop you like right in your town. One of my favorite summers was spent in London, walking all around the city and learning how to navigate the Tube. But you don’t have to save up and travel miles to have a fun summer! Whether you’re a transplant studying in a foreign city or staying close to home, there’s always tons to explore right under your nose! Try a new restaurant, check out a local concert, try to find an Instagram-able mural – get acquainted with your town and maybe find your new favorite study location! 

    5. Recharge Before Next Semester 

    Lastly, and most importantly, make sure that you take plenty of time to regroup over the break so that you can dive back into your next semester recharged and ready to learn. Binge a new favorite show, pamper yourself with a new haircut, and catch up on all the sleep you’ve skipped out on the past semester!  
    However, you choose to spend your summer break, make sure you spend plenty of time doing the things you enjoy! You’ve earned a break after a long semester of hard work– so enjoy your break! 

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • Two images – the one on the left features a group of young college students, the one on the right features a college woman eating seafood.

    The College Student’s Guide to Budget-Friendly Vacations

    Sydney Wade

    College is a time for growth, learning, and exploration, but it doesn't have to break the bank. With careful planning and smart choices, you can experience unforgettable vacations without draining your savings account. In this ultimate guide, I’ll provide tips, tricks, and strategies to plan budget-friendly vacations that won't leave you stressing over finances.

    Set A Realistic Budget

    Before planning your vacation, determine how much you can afford to spend. Consider your income, savings, and any additional funding sources such as scholarships or part-time jobs. Be realistic about what you can afford to avoid overspending.

    Choose Affordable Destinations

    Opt for destinations that are known for being budget-friendly and safe for students. Look for places where the cost of living is lower, such as Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, or certain parts of South America. Research destinations that offer affordable accommodations, food, and activities.

    Book Flights And Accommodations in Advance

    Plan and book your flights and accommodations well in advance to secure the best deals. Airlines and hotels often offer lower prices for early bookings, so don't wait until the last minute to make your reservations. Things such as TSA precheck and Discover card offer great deals for students when purchasing TSA precheck and flights. 

    Utilize Student Discounts

    Take advantage of student discounts whenever possible. Many attractions, museums, and transportation services offer discounted rates for students with a valid ID. Look for student travel cards or memberships that offer additional discounts on flights, accommodations, and activities. 

    Use Public Transportation

    Skip the Ubers and rental cars and opt for public transportation instead. Public buses, trains, trolleys, and subways are often much cheaper than other modes of transportation and can help you save money while exploring your destination.

    Plan Free or Low-Cost Activities

    Research free or low-cost activities and attractions at your destination. Explore parks, and museums with free admission days, walking tours, or local markets. Embrace the opportunity to experience the culture and sights without spending a fortune.

    Be Flexible and Open-Minded

    Stay flexible and open-minded when planning your budget-friendly vacation. Be willing to adjust your itinerary, try new things, and embrace unexpected opportunities. By staying flexible, you can make the most of your trip without blowing your budget.

    With careful planning, research, and a bit of creativity, planning budget-friendly vacations in college is entirely achievable. By setting a realistic budget, choosing affordable destinations, utilizing student discounts, and making smart choices about accommodations, transportation, and activities, you can enjoy incredible travel experiences without breaking the bank. So go ahead, start planning your next adventure, and make memories that will last a lifetime—all while staying within your budget.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A group of 3 photos with outdoor vistas: a waterfall, a mountain top view, and a ski slope.

    Get Outside on Earth Day and Every Day!

    Saige O’Rourke

    Going to the University of Tennessee, I am constantly reminded of how beautiful my campus is and why it’s called “Rocky Top,” but we all tend to forget the natural beauty of the world. As college students, we are subject to submerging our heads into our laptops to meet deadlines and study for important tests; however, college students agree to set the electronics down and go outside for Earth Day every year. With many opportunities at my disposal, I tend to go outside very often. There are 3 places that have made it to the top of my list, but every day outside reminds me why this act is important.

    Ozone Falls in Rockwood, Tennessee

    Last year for Earth Day, my roommate & I visited Ozone Falls in Rockwood, Tennessee. This destination has a large waterfall accompanied by a large swimming hole at the bottom. When we arrived, we were expecting a long hike, but to our surprise this gem was easily accessible. The sight itself was breathtaking, but the freezing water of the swimming hole continued that feeling.

    Yonah Mountain, Georgia

    In the fall, I traveled down to the Georgia area and hiked Yonah Mountain with a friend. The hike itself was taxing, but the view at the top was so rewarding. It reminded me that the hard things don’t come easy, and there are so many hidden gems that people are unaware of because of the demanding work it takes.

    Pagosa Springs, Colorado

    More recently, I made my way across the country to Pagosa Springs, Colorado. My family & I visited the Wolf Creek Ski Resort which happened to be a hidden snow gem with some of the most snow in the state. We were all able to enjoy awesome powder every day, and I was able to fall without worrying about breaking my arm.

    I have not stopped thinking about these three spots since I visited them, and I will probably be a returning customer. I found myself present in the moment without digging into my phone, and I was able to fully enjoy the views in front of me. Most importantly, these areas have influenced me to explore and find similar places.

    Our Earth is beautiful, and we forget that way too often as we distract ourselves with electronics. There are many separate places to visit in every state and escape from the stressful world we live in. This is your sign to start going outside every day, not just Earth Day!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A sunset view on a California beach.

    My Favorite California Beaches

    Megan Morimoto

    As a born and raised Southern Californian, who lived 15 minutes away from the coast, and now attends college on California's central coast, I have a fair share of beach experience. In my “professional” opinion, I have created the ultimate beach tour guide with some of my favorite and not-so-favorite beaches that you should be sure to visit (or not to visit) the next time you find yourself in California, whether during Spring Break or any other time of year.

    Crescent Bay Beach in Laguna Beach

    This is my all-time favorite beach because of how perfect it is! The water there is always so clear and warm (most of the time), and the waves are not extremely big, but still big enough to dive under. Sometimes, if you’re lucky enough, you can see little baby leopard sharks and other fish swimming around the shore because of how clear and blue the water is. After a long, fun day at this beach, you don’t have to worry about bringing sand into your car either because there’s a shower station and bathroom right near the entrance of the beach too, and trust me, a shower station is not common in Laguna Beach.

    There are a couple of downsides to going to this beach, but they shouldn’t be the reason you miss out on such a perfect beach! The first downside is the beach is on the small side. During busier seasons, Crescent Bay Beach can seem more crowded than other beaches because of how little beach there is. Despite this, there’s never been a time that I’ve gone to this beach and not found a place to lay out my towel. The other downside is parking. While parking is free, it’s mainly residential parking. This means that it can be hard to find a parking spot, but if you keep looking around, you will get a parking spot, I promise. I just hope that you’re good at parallel parking!

    Strands Beach & Salt Creek Beach in Dana Point

    I typically do not go down to the water at these beaches too often, because the walk down from the parking lot is long and steep. These two beaches are still on my list though because they are such a great spot to watch the sunset over the water and enjoy the ocean breeze.

    At Strands Beach, you can watch the sunset from your car because the parking lot is on top of a hill that overlooks a neighborhood full of grand houses and the water. At Salt Creek Beach, you have to walk a little bit in order to find the perfect sunset-watching area. When you start walking down to the beach, you’ll come across this giant grass hill, and this is where everyone gathers to watch the sunset. In both places, you’ll get to watch a beautiful sunset, no doubt about it.

    Doheny State Beach in Dana Point

    This beach is definitely not my go-to swimming beach, but it is my go-to bonfire beach. Doheny Beach has a lot of bonfire pits that you can use for free (only have to pay for parking). What’s nice about it is that most of the pits are right next to the parking lot, so you can pull up your car and use your trunk for good seating (kind of) close to the fire. The pits aren’t that far away from the water either. However, if you choose to go swimming in the water, I hope you have strong ankles because rocks are in place of the sand. The rocks tumble and roll with the waves, making it highly likely that your toes will get stubbed. But if you brave it far enough into the water, you’ll start to feel sand!

    Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo County

    Finally, a Central Coast beach! I might be biased when I say this since this beach is so close to where I live now, but Avila Beach is my favorite Central Coast beach. I don’t go in the water, though, because it’s colder on the Central Coast than in Laguna Beach. This beach is nice in that it has free parking, a bathroom and shower station, restaurants, and my favorite part, swings! It’s also nice because the beach is big, so it doesn’t feel as crowded as other beaches I’ve encountered. Then again, the air is colder, and the water isn’t as clear blue, making it less appealing to swim in.

    Whether you’re visiting during your Spring Break, the summer, or any other time of year, I hope you find these recommendations helpful in finding the perfect spot for your beach adventure!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A large group of college students standing in front of an ornate Italian building.

    My Internship Abroad: Working and Eating My Way Across Italy

    Madison Butler

    My dream came true last summer, and I am still living in the past. I was able to do an international internship in Florence, Italy and what a trip it was! I was blessed with an opportunity to work with two brands, Steve Madden and UGG, to monitor global markets for new and upcoming styles and trends, import and export shoes (especially when preparing for Florence Men’s Fashion Week), and assist sales vendors in the English language.

    I was able to learn side-by-side with my coworkers to navigate international business and open my eyes to another part of the world. My coworkers welcomed me with open arms, and our first step was to try and tackle the language barrier. They were the kindest and most encouraging women that could welcome me in such a new environment. We became friends easily and I still talk to them today!

    Now don’t believe this blog will be all work no play! I am a huge foodie and Italy exceeded my expectations beyond belief, and they were pretty high to begin with. From the Florentine Bistec, to watching my pasta be cooked in an alfredo cheese wheel, I was able to experience every foodie’s dream: eating high quality and volume of great food. There were plenty of family style restaurants that had more outside seating than you can imagine, and the people-watching was top tier, too. Eating in front of the Duomo is a memory I will never forget.

    I mainly stayed in Florence throughout the summer for the internship, but I was able to travel all over Italy and even made my way to Austria and Hungary for a bit. The northern and southern parts of Italy were different but held the same atmosphere. The northern Tuscany region was rich with breathtaking views of rolling green hills and vineyards for miles (for my fellow U.S. residents I promise I am 21!). The southern part was all beach and ocean which did not disappoint at all.

    I was also able to visit Cinque Terre, which is a string of centuries-old seaside villages on the rugged Italian Riviera coastline. There was an array of multicolored houses and markets and sand all along the coastline. My camera roll is stacked and ready for reminiscing.

    I am here to tell you: if you are thinking of studying/working/going abroad, GO! It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as a student and tagging along with other students is a whole other experience itself. I will always remember my lovely summer in Italy and would not trade it for the world!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A man and a woman walking on a city sidewalk in Austin, Texas.

    4 Top Spring Break Destinations

    Peyton Maria

    Spring break is arguably one of the most sacred weeks in the spring semester in the eyes of college students. No matter how many exams you have afterwards, spring break is a week meant to fully relax and have fun with friends. As a freshman, I made the mistake of returning to my hometown for spring break and spent countless hours scrolling through beach posts and BeReals taken in big cities. So, to help others avoid this problem, I have curated a list of the top choices for spring break, as well as activities you don’t want to miss for each location!


    A classic choice for spring break for many is a trip down to the beaches of Florida. If you go to school in the south like I do, this is a hot spot for spring breakers. However, there are many options when it comes to Florida for spring break. Daytona, for example, is a beach where you will find many college students partying from schools across the nation. There is also Main Street pier, which allows for fun and shopping in the midst of sand volleyball games and swimming in the ocean. However, if you’re looking for more of a “Pinterest worthy” Florida break, I would suggest Seaside. A beach where you are destined to find lots of families, but one where you can walk through the cutest beach towns in addition to reading a book on the sand. And if tourism is your key interest, you can never go wrong with Orlando or Miami.


    Home of the Country Music Hall of Fame, you will never be bored on your spring break trip to Nashville. With themed Air BnBs and music bars lining Broadway Street, you can spend a full week exploring through the town, listening to upcoming artists and walking through museums. Make sure you take a trip to the Grand Ole Opry and the Gaylord, the top tourist attractions, but don’t miss out on even the smallest music halls that line downtown Nashville. You never know when the next Taylor Swift will be performing in one of those.


    Although a cruise may seem like a pricier option for spring break, it actually can end up saving you money in the long run. With this all-inclusive experience, you can spend all the required money prior to the trip and focus on relaxing instead of keeping a budget during your week of fun. The greatest thing about cruises are all the different ports you can visit. Your days can be spent exploring Mayan ruins, dogsledding in Alaska, or zip lining through the forests of Honduras. While on the ship, there are so many activities to choose from, such as lounging by the pool, sports activities, trivia, and more. Some ships even have laser tag, go karts, and rock walls. Cruising is by far one of the most relaxing while adventurous choices for your spring break plans.


    The most magical place on earth isn’t just for kids! Although it may seem like a different choice, going to Disney for spring break can be one of the most child-like fun weeks you’ve had in a while. Spend your days riding rides, meeting characters, and walking through the magical parks. Maybe even start reviewing the foods offered at the park for future writing material. End your days with parades, firework shows, churros, and the reminder that sometimes being a kid again with your best friends is the best way you could spend spring break.

    Overall, you cannot go wrong with what you choose for your spring break destination. Set a budget, have a Powerpoint night, and start planning now for a relaxing and fun week with some of your best college friends. Even a day trip to a local city will create memories that will last long beyond your college years.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A collage of pictures from Japan encircling the words Welcome to Japan.

    Essential Tips for Visiting Japan

    Max Kang

    Is Japan on your travel bucket list? Being both rich in culture and food, Japan seems like a paradise, but it comes with devious tricks tourists must worry about. It is important to understand precisely how to “survive” Japan as a foreigner. These are five crucial things to be aware of when visiting this proclaimed sanctuary. After these tips you will be able to embark on the culturally nuclear landscape of Nihon, いらっしゃいませ (welcome).

    Tip #1 - Language

    The number one issue that you may face when traveling to any new country is the language barrier. Often it will be hard to understand basic signs and Google Translate will prove to be less helpful than you anticipated. Your strongest tool will be to develop a strong sense of imagery to provide context for many situations. Japan will often have signage written in English if you are close to Tokyo, but some areas will exclusively be in hiragana, katakana, and kanji.

    Tip #2 - Monetary Exchange

    When purchasing goods, it's important to remember that Japan’s currency is largely translated to coins, with each representing 1, 10, 50, 100, and 500. The paper currency is uniquely paired often with coins to reduce the amount of change for the cashier to provide and for you to carry. For example, to pay 2,310 yen and you have a 5,000 bill, you should put down 5,310 to get back 3,000 exactly. I highly recommend investing in a small coin satchel or purse to maintain sanity when traveling.

    Tip #3 - Weather Dismay

    Japan is notoriously humid and dry, so prepare for consistent heat spells and devastating weather. Furthermore, Japan’s location as an island forces constant typhoons and waterfalls in almost every region. It should be expected to see the sun and rain together, which does mean there are at least rainbows to raise your spirits around the weather.

    Tip #4 - Prearrival Paperwork

    It is critical that before you land in Japan you fill out the forms regarding your residency and history as it will make landing smoother. Otherwise, you may be forced to wait in a line for hours with other unsuspecting tourists. This also applies for the return home as they check to make sure you haven’t smuggled anything illegally or in excess. Check for online options to complete the necessary paperwork.

    Tip #5 - Subway Surging

    Driving rules are critically different in Japan so if you intend to travel, you will need to learn the subway. There are several different stations at which someone can take different subway lines; the most common one in Tokyo is the “Keio” line. An example route would be if you are in Sengawa and wanted to arrive at Shibuya, you would have to take a train to Meidaimae and then towards Shibuya. You cannot directly go from Sengawa to Shibuya due to how the stations are formatted.

    Most maps will have Japanese characters, but English lettering above them, so do not worry about memorization. Also, instead of tickets being named, they are determined by the amount of money. For instance, it may say ¥140 for Meidaimae, so you would go to the machine and purchase a ticket for ¥140 if you wanted to take a route involving Meidaimae.

    Understanding these fundamentals will help you ease into the odd and entertaining culture that is Japan. Regardless, if you ever need help, many local citizens and workers are nice or know some bit of English. If you want help, say the phrase “Sumimasen” before you ask your question to at least get their attention.

    Good luck and remember to enjoy your time! The food alone makes all the travel struggles worth it!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • A collage featuring screenshots of the locations mentioned in the blog: Charleston, SC, San Francisco, Prague, and Rhode Island.

    Let’s Take A Trip!

    Madeline Beavis

    I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel to many different cities across the country while growing up. While there is no place like home, I love exploring new terrains, cultures, and cuisines. Let’s take a road trip across the United States – and maybe even make a pit stop across the Atlantic – to some of my favorite destinations!

    San Francisco, California

    Starting on the west coast, San Francisco might just be the coolest US city I’ve ever visited! Though there are a lot of hills to climb, every view at the top is worth it! Let’s check out some of my favorite attractions!

    1. Alcatraz Island: Alcatraz is one of the most famous prisons in the world and it was creepy! Even just the boat ride to the island was daunting, but I loved getting to see the grounds and the small and (very) dark prison cells. I wouldn’t recommend going for a swim around this island, but maybe you can figure out how some prisoners escaped from the safety of land! Be sure to catch a glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge on your way over as well!

    2. Muir Woods (Redwood Forest): I love spending time outdoors when traveling and Muir Woods was an incredible experience! I never thought I would feel humbled by a tree but standing at around 250 feet tall and 15 feet wide, you can’t help but feel amazed. Plus, some of the trees are 800 years old!

    Newport, Rhode Island

    I visited Newport last summer in the Northeast. This was actually a last-minute vacation for my family, but I’m so glad that we went! Here are some of my favorite spots!

    1. The Cliff Walk: One of my favorite parts of my trip was navigating the Cliff Walk along the coastline where you’ll have elegant, historic mansions on one side of you and the ocean on the other. It was a little nerve-racking at some spots climbing over rocks or uneven portions of the path, but it was very satisfying to reach the end of the 3.5-mile walk!

    2. The Breakers: The Breakers is just one of many mansions in Newport. I stepped inside and was instantly transported to the Gilded Age with dramatic entryways and elaborate drawing rooms... there was even a secret staircase for the servants!

    3. The International Tennis Hall of Fame (ITHF): As a tennis family, I loved visiting the ITHF that highlighted some of the biggest names in tennis like Arthur Ashe, Billie Jean King, and Martina Navratilova. I even got to play with my family on a real grass court located on the grounds, followed by lunch courtside!

    Charleston, South Carolina

    Traveling down south, Charleston is colorful, warm... and feels like it’s stuck the 1800s! Time has not caused Charleston to lose its southern charm, culture, or historic flair and I loved experiencing the city’s quaint atmosphere at these locations!

    1. City Market: Shopping, shopping, and more shopping! I love bringing home souvenirs to remember my vacations and the Charleston City Market was a great way to enjoy the South Carolina sun and grab a bite to eat while supporting the local vendors where many often sell handmade pieces.

    2. Fort Sumter: Calling all history enthusiasts! I learned that the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter sparked the beginning of the Civil War, and it was so interesting to walk the grounds of the fort and experience a piece of American history. The top of the fort also offers some breathtaking views of Charleston Harbor and the city!

    3. Pirate and Ghost Tours: Boo! Charleston was once a spot for pirates like Blackbeard to sell their stolen goods... and their ghosts may still be haunting the streets! I had so much fun ghost-hunting through old churches and cemeteries on this tour and I’m glad nothing followed me home!

    Prague, Czech Republic

    And finally, let’s cross the Atlantic to visit Prague! This city had a “fairy-tale” atmosphere with dramatic castles and cathedrals sitting above clay-tile roofs and cobblestone streets. There are almost too many spots to visit in Prague, but here are a few of my favorites!

    1. Saint Vitus Cathedral: I felt like I had stepped back in time to medieval Europe while exploring this beautiful cathedral! Make sure you walk over Charles Bridge on the Vltava River on your way there for more views!

    2. Old Town Square: I would have spent all afternoon in Old Town Square if I could! There were so many delicious food options and European-style street performers for entertainment. However, my favorite part by far was watching the Apostles figurines pop out of The Orloj, an astronomical clock, at the top of every hour.

    3. Nuclear Bunker Tour: The best part of visiting Prague was touring the nuclear bunkers. It was remarkably interesting to hear about stories of secret police agencies, spies, and propaganda from the time... so it was not surprising that I could hear the traffic from the street above me while walking through the bunker!

    What destinations are on your bucket list? Make a plan soon to pack up and head off to your next travel adventure!

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started! 


  • An expansive view of a wide arid area with mountains in the distance.

    The Benefits of Taking a Gap Year

    Xavier Kretsinger-Walters

    For many high school graduates, college is the logical next step as one transitions into adulthood. However, entering a completely new environment away from the comfort of home can be incredibly frightening and stressful. Many high school graduates become overwhelmed entering into this next stage of life. One of the primary reasons students struggle to adapt to their new environments is a lack of purpose and direction, with the reason being a shortage of time to decide between graduation from high school and enrollment into university. Having an extra year after high school allows students to think about what they truly want out of their college experience.

    Following high school, I decided to take a different route and deferred my freshman year of college. While it isn’t uncommon for high school graduates to take a gap year, there are many high school graduates who could still benefit tremendously from it.

    Why I Chose a Gap Year

    From the beginning of high school, my family had always encouraged me to postpone university for a year. Both my brother and sister had already taken gap years and had benefited tremendously, so it made sense that I would follow suit. They were also able to assist in the planning of my year away and gave me lots of advice. Additionally, my graduation year coincided with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave me a unique opportunity. Most Universities at this time had transitioned to online classes to curb the virus’s transmission. Being somebody who struggles to learn effectively online made me even more certain that postponing my college enrollment was the right decision. Thankfully, when it was time for me to enroll in university, most COVID-19 restrictions had been lifted.

    What I Did on my Gap Year

    While the COVID-19 pandemic gave me an opportunity to take time off, it certainly did not help me in my planning. Pandemic restrictions made it incredibly difficult to travel but through determined planning, I found ways around it. Finally, in early September, Costa Rica began allowing visitors from the United States. I would spend the next three months there as a student volunteer with the Jakera conservation program. This program was centered around biological preservation, specifically the conservation of sea turtles. Outside of working and learning, I was able to practice my Spanish, learn how to surf, and travel to many different areas of Costa Rica.

    My next destination following Costa Rica was Argentina. My father’s side of the family grew up in Argentina and we still have family and close family friends there. This allowed me to stay under the roofs of local Argentines, which was incredibly helpful as I navigated throughout Argentina. During my three months there I was able to travel throughout much of the country starting in Buenos Aires, and later Iguazu, Patagonia, Mendoza, Rosario, Cordoba, Salta, Mar de Plata, and Corrientes. Due to high inflation and the devaluation of the Argentine Peso, excluding plane tickets I spent only $1,200 in my three months in Argentina.

    Following my time spent abroad, I returned home where I spent the remainder of my time earning money and preparing myself for college.

    How My Gap Year Benefited Me

    My experiences both abroad and at home during my gap year were incredibly valuable for my maturation and motivation. The duration and location of my time abroad were certainly a step outside of my comfort zone. Overcoming cultural and language barriers was often difficult, but through this challenge, I was able to grow tremendously. Throughout long stretches of my time abroad, I was entirely alone. Having to support myself without the immediate assistance of my parents gave me a sense of independence before going to college. Additionally, the money I earned working at home gave me a financial cushion before entering college.

    Why Take a Gap Year

    I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been given the opportunity to take a gap year. Understandably, many high school graduates do not have the money to travel abroad as I did. However, there are still plenty of ways one could benefit from a gap year without having to spend money. I encourage anyone considering a gap year to do something outside of their comfort zone, whether that be learning a new skill, traveling to unfamiliar places, or gaining working experience in a field you’d consider pursuing. If one spends their time wisely during their gap year, they might find it to be incredibly rewarding.

    Do you have a compelling story or student success tips you’d like to see published on the Pearson Students blog?  If you are a college student and interested in writing for us – click here to pitch your idea and get started!