Why Does Teamwork in the Classroom Have to be Taboo?
Why do we teach the importance of teamwork, sharing, and cooperation and then not practice the same principles in the classroom? If our classrooms maintain the notion of "do your own work," how do we expect people to graduate who are able to critically think and collaborate?
Why do we teach the importance of teamwork, sharing, and cooperation and then not practice the same principles in the classroom? If our classrooms maintain the notion of "do your own work," how do we expect people to graduate who are able to critically think and collaborate?
There is a contradiction between what we say we want our students to be able to do and what we actually ask them to do. Instructors must use teaching methods proven to increase student success—many of which involve teamwork and collaboration—in order to change the history of failure for our students enrolled in developmental education classes. Without changing the approach to teaching, these students will have little motivation to change their approach to learning. Quality instruction involves empowering students to engage, participate, and take ownership in their learning which can unlock the motivation needed to persist and graduate!
Dawn Bailey-Cable, Program Chair of Developmental English Program, Eastern Gateway Community College