The Value of a Background in MIS: How Business Firms are Using IT and Systems Today

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In this session, we discuss the value of a background in MIS—how American and global business firms are using IT and systems today to achieve their business objectives, and how job interviewers are expecting students to be conversant with the vocabulary of IT and information systems and to understand how systems help firms achieve bottom line results.

Dr. Kenneth C. Laudon, New York University

In this presentation, Ken Laudon will discuss the value of a background in MIS—how American and global business firms are using IT and systems today to achieve their business objectives, and that job interviewers are expecting students to be conversant with the vocabulary of IT and information systems and to understand how systems help firms achieve bottom line results. Ken will describe how his approach helps students hit the deck running, so in their first year of employment they will be able to participate in, and even lead, management discussions of information systems for their firms.

