New Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules for Chemistry

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Dr. Michael Burand of Oregon State University discusses how the new Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules can be a powerful resource for effectively teaching difficult topics in General Chemistry.

Dr. Michael Burand, Oregon State University

It can be challenging to come up with effective before-, during-, and after-class materials to help students overcome challenging topics in general chemistry. Many instructors have developed a program that works well for teaching these topics, but often only after years of experience and a significant amount of trial and error. A group of experienced general chemistry instructors has created a collection of Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules that equip the instructor with interactive in-class activities, active learning suggestions, before- and after-class assignments, media resources, and more. The newer instructor will find information to streamline the teaching and learning process for certain difficult chemistry topics; the experienced instructor will find new suggestions for actively engaging students both in and outside of the classroom. Join us as we describe how the new Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules can be a powerful resource for effectively teaching difficult topics in general chemistry.

