Diversity Pedagogy: Examining the Role of Culture in the Teaching-Learning Process, 1st edition
Published by Pearson (September 28, 2004) © 2005
- Rosa Hernandez Sheets
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Each chapter begins with an “Introduction” and concludes with a “Conclusion” and “Recommended Readings.”
Foreword by Geneva Gay.
1. Student Learning and Culture.
Student Learning and Culture.
Culture as a Socialization Process.
The Power of Culture.
The Maintenance of Culture.
Classroom Applications.
Examining Personal Thinking Habits.
Observing Student Responses to Learning.
Assuming Responsibility for Pedagogical Knowledge.
2. Diversity Pedagogy.
Diversity Pedagogy.
Eight Dimensions.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
Students' Cultural Displays.
Conceptualization of Diversity Pedagogy.
Relationship Among Culture, Cognition, Teaching, and Learning.
Classroom Application.
Selecting a Diversity Ideology.
Centering Students in the Teaching-Learning Process.
3. Diversity: Developing Consciousness of Differences.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #1: Diversity/Consciousness of Differences.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
Family Diversity.
Socio-Economic Status.
Sexual Orientation.
Ability Differences.
Student Cultural Displays.
Development of Prejudicial Thinking.
Gender Development and Cultural Gender Information.
Classroom Applications.
Examining Student Responses to Differences.
Respecting Diversity in Self and Others.
Providing Experiences Valuing Diversity.
4. Identity: Understanding Ethnic Identity Development.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #2: Identity/Ethnic Identity Development.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
Human Development.
Race, Racial Groups, and Racial Identity.
Student Cultural Displays.
Ethnic Identity.
Ethnic Identity in a Culturally Pluralistic Society.
Young Children's Ethnic Socialization Patterns.
Formation and Development of Ethnic Identity.
Ethnicity and School Practices.
Classroom Application.
Recognizing Cultural Positioning.
Examining Classroom Climate and Curricular Content.
5. Social Interactions: Improving Interpersonal Relationships.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #3: Social Interactions/Interpersonal Relationships.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
The Role of Friendship.
Peer Friendship Development.
Factors Influencing Friendship Selections.
Student Cultural Displays.
Gender Preferences.
Race and Friendship Choices.
Social Isolation.
Classroom Applications.
Acknowledging the Importance of Friendship.
Recognizing Harmful Behavior and Intervening.
6. Culturally Safe Classroom Context: Advancing Self-regulated Learning.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #4: Culturally Safe Context/Self-Regulated Learning.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
Classroom Management and Discipline.
Creating Culturally Comfortable Classrooms.
Students Cultural Displays.
Self-Regulated Learning.
Culture and Self-regulation.
Classroom Applications.
Establishing an Emotional Climate.
Enabling Self-discipline.
Involving Students in the Physical Context.
Developing Strategies for "at-risk" Students.
7. Language: Creating Conditions for Language Learning.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #3: Language/Language Learning.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
Language and Culture.
Language Diversity.
Language Instruction in Schools.
Student Cultural Displays.
First Language Acquisition.
Second Language Acquisition.
Language Loss.
Classroom Applications.
Valuing Students' Linguistic Knowledge.
Promoting Language Development.
Building Language Continuity.
8. Culturally Inclusive Content: Expanding Knowledge Acquisition.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #6: Culturally Inclusive Content/Knowledge.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
Purpose of Schooling.
Instructional Resources.
Limits of Inclusion.
Analysis of Ideological Perspectives.
Adaptation of Curricular Content.
Student Cultural Displays.
Process of Knowledge Acquisition.
Knowledge Acquisition Theories.
Academic Goals and Standards.
Classroom Applications.
Observing Students' Responses to Materials.
Acknowledging Students' Cultural Knowledge.
9. Instruction: Developing Reasoning Skills.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #7: Instruction/Reasoning Skills.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
Structures of Intellectual Standards. Reframing Instruction.
Student Cultural Displays.
Characteristics of Learning Preferences.
Classroom Applications.
Promoting Intellectual Growth.
Incorporating Students' Learning Preferences.
Using Prior Knowledge in Learning Events.
10. Assessment: Encouraging Student Self-evaluation.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimension #8: Assessment/Self-evaluation.
Teacher Pedagogical Behaviors.
The Achievement Gap.
Classroom Assessment Strategies.
Student Cultural Displays.
Student Self-Evaluation.
Classroom Applications.
Improving Instruction through Assessment.
Addressing Diversity in Assessment.
Building Home and School Relationships.
Involving Students in Self-evaluation.
11. Cultural Strengths of African American Children.
Language Arts Mass Media Class. The Project.
Diversity Pedagogy Dimensions.
Dimension #1: Diversity/Consciousness/Awareness of Differences.
Dimension #2: Identity/Ethnic Identity.
Dimension #3: Social Interactions/Interpersonal Relationships.
Dimension #4: Culturally Safe Classroom/Self-regulated Learning.
Dimension #5: Language/Language Learning.
Dimension #6: Culturally Inclusive Content/Knowledge Acquisition.
Dimension #7: Instruction/Reasoning Skills.
Dimension #8: Assessment/Self-Evaluation.
12. Linguistic Strengths of Mexican American Students.
Advanced Placement Spanish Class.
¿Què pasò?
Diversity Pedagogy Dimensions.
Dimension #1: Diversity/Consciousness/Awareness of Differences.
Dimension #2: Identity/Ethnic Identity.
Dimension #3: Social Interactions/Interpersonal Relationships.
Dimension #4: Culturally Safe Classroom/Self-regulated Learning.
Dimension #5: Language/Language Learning.
Dimension #6: Culturally Inclusive Content/Knowledge Acquisition.
Dimension #7: Instruction/Reasoning Skills.
Dimension #8: Assessment/Self-Evaluation.
Author Index.
Subject Index.
About The Author.
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