Supporting your Marketing department
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Technology-enhanced learning resources for your Marketing department

Revel for Marketing
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Revel demonstration: Assignments, assessment and instant feedback for students
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Pearson MyMarketingExperience at Trinity College Dublin
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Enhanced eBooks for Business, Law and Psychology
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How to access free teaching resources with your text adoption or recommendation
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Image by Christof Van Der Walt

New and widely adopted textbooks for your Marketing curriculum

What your peers and students are saying

"[MyMarketing Experience] is playing to students' own capabilities, propensities and what they like to do, while at the same time replicating the kind of real world experience and practice that we’re really trying to engender."

— Prof Savage, Associate Dean for Online Education, Trinity College Dublin

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The resources and support on this page have been developed for UK and Irish higher education institutions. Please use the links on our Educators page to navigate to UK schools, FE colleges, or overseas resources and support.