Home Away From Home: Using routines to adapt to change

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Megan Forsythe
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For most of my life I grew up in the same city, lived in the same house, and attended 12 years of school with all the same people. I’ve even been told my five-year-old self and I look exactly the same. So one could guess change probably isn’t my forte. Despite that, I still feel change is good for you so I decided to make a change and move all the way from Southern California to Boston for college. 

Finding my new happy place

The most important thing I learned when I tried to adapt to life in Boston was the importance of keeping one’s routines. For me, this mostly meant taking the things that made me happy in one place and doing them in the new place. In Boston, there is a ton of beautiful greenspace and scenery, so I love to explore the city and find new spaces to just lay down and have a picnic, read a book, or even do some painting. Another one of my favorite things to do in Boston is walk along the harbor early in the morning. With only a few dog walkers out, I can take in the quiet scenery while relaxing and eating breakfast. These explorations have been a way for me to learn more about this new place and make it more familiar instead of daunting. 

Mapping a new adventure

Boston finally evolved into a place I call home, but now I’m about to start the whole scary process of drastic change again as I’m moving to London. Luckily this time it’s only for four months for study abroad. But no surprise here, I’m still afraid of change. Though, if I’ve done it once I can do it again and this time, I have some experience to help me along. Exploring the city was one of the things that first made Boston feel like home. By applying this routine to London I hope to make it feel more like home, too. Now there might not be a harbor walk near me in London, but I know there are other equally beautiful, serene places that I can make the time to go to in the mornings. It might not be home, but keeping these routines can bring the feeling of home to London and make this drastic change a little less scary. All I need is a map.