Prepare for your assessments

The UK's bestselling Law Express revision series helps you understand key concepts efficiently and organise your revision

Unlock your full potential with the Law Express revision series, meticulously designed to consolidate your understanding of legal concepts and prepare you for success in your assessments. These guides are enriched with a range of features to aid your revision including:

  • State of the art revision aids such as topic maps, key cases and statutes, and checklists, which help you to understand key concepts and cases quickly   
  • Assessment tips, sample questions with answer guidance and Test Your Knowledge quizzes, which will boost your confidence in approaching assessments 
  • Practical exercises such as You be the Marker and Impress Your Examiner will show you how to get the best grades  
  • Valuable insights from law lecturers and examiners on the common pitfalls to be aware of will help keep you on track for assessment success   

With its wide range of features and a companion website brimming with resources and practice opportunities to further support your revision, these guides are comprehensive study aids and will take your understanding to the next level.

Find out more about each Law Express title below, buy your copy, and access free resources on the companion websites.

Core titles


Law Express Q&A

“I was impressed during my review, I think it would be particularly helpful to new law students.”

- Rebecca Mincher, University of Wolverhampton

“I think overall that this revision guide can be a very useful tool for the students and will help them to gain more clarity on some of the topics; I find it helpful also the way the various aspects and topics are exposed in a systematic fashion.” 

- Emanuela Orlando, The University of Sussex

“I would definitely recommend this Law Express guide on Land Law as I believe it avoids many of the issues within revision guides that have the potential to mislead students.”

- Eric Loefflad, University of Kent

“The use of language and flow of the work are perfect for a revision guide.  It is great that key and complex terminology are highlighted and simply explained in the ‘key definitions’.” 

- Lloyd Brown, Swansea University

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You want to progress through your studies with confidence and ease, and we want to help. 

We know that student life can sometimes feel rather daunting and that’s why we’re giving you the opportunity to access this Wellbeing Toolkit for FREE!  

Students worldwide are using the helpful resources and guidance to help them feel better equipped – both mentally and physically – to progress with confidence through university life and beyond.

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