• Josie Warden, Volans - why designing and engineering with purpose is essential for Gen Alpha

    It’s a warm Thursday afternoon and the air in the D&T classroom is stuffy. I’m designing packaging for a shoe brand, pen on paper, with my Body Shop canvas bag stuffed under the desk. It’s 2001 and I don’t have a mobile phone. My idea of being a designer is to work in graphics or in fashion. I know that designers create things, products, packaging, buildings. But I also know that there is too much waste, people are going hungry, and that global warming is being mentioned. What are my studies in design and other subjects teaching me about changing that? Honestly, nothing really.

  • Have we seen the death of data?

    James Pembroke, Data Analyst at Insight/Sig+, analyses the changes and impact of assessment, post-COVID, on schools and pupils.

  • Alan Moore, The Beautiful Design Project - what does it mean to be a beautiful business?

    Alan Moore, author of Do: Design and Do: Build,  shares his experience of design and engineering from the past 20 years, and provides not only the emotive argument for why we need to educate our young designers differently, but also challenge those who would say that such an approach would disregard the importance of commercially driven activity that the design and engineering industry has been built successfully upon for the past decade.

    From the circular economy to regenerative approaches, Alan provides the often lost voice of someone who can reflect back on life experiences and say we may have been going about it in the wrong way, and that by focusing on our responsibility on society and the planet, we don’t have to compromise on innovation and commercial success.

  • The role and value of primary assessment

    Claire Hodgson, Research Director at the National Foundation for Educational Research, leads perspectives from a range of experts, to share their view on the power of assessments, from the future of Computer-Adaptive and Computer-Based Assessments to taking a deep dive into what formative, summative and diagnostic assessments are.