12:20Muscle Names and How We Name Muscles (anatomy and physiology)Imagine Jenkins598views2rank1comments
Multiple ChoiceBased on the name, how does the fibularis brevis compare to the fibularis longus?622views6rank
Multiple ChoiceBased on the name, how would you expect the orbicularis oris muscle to be shaped?632views8rank
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following muscle names does NOT provide information about the muscle's actions?596views12rank
Multiple ChoiceA muscle whose name ends in the suffix -glossus would be found attached to the __________.1386views
Multiple ChoiceEach of the following terms is used to describe the shape of a muscle EXCEPT __________.1065views
Multiple ChoiceStraight muscles, with fibers that run parallel to an imaginary line such as the long axis of the body, are called __________.1009views1comments
Textbook QuestionName the three pennate muscles in the following figure, and for each muscle indicate the type of pennate muscle based on the relationship of muscle fascicles to the tendon. a. ___ b. ___ c. ___ d. ___ e. ___ f. ___330views
Textbook QuestionThe arrangement of muscle fibers in which the fibers are arranged at an angle to a central longitudinal tendon is a. circular, b. longitudinal, c. pennate, d. parallel.335views
Textbook QuestionLabel the three visible muscles of the rotator cuff in the following posterior view of the deep muscles that move the arm. a. ___ b. ___ c. ___261views
Textbook QuestionMatch the muscle names in column B to the facial muscles described in column A. Column A ______ (1) squints the eyes ______ (2) raises the eyebrows ______ (3) smiling muscle ______ (4) puckers the lips ______ (5) pulls the scalp posteriorly Column B a. corrugator supercilii b. depressor anguli oris c. frontal belly of epicranius d. occipital belly of epicranius e. orbicularis oculi f. orbicularis oris g. zygomaticus349views
Textbook QuestionThe prime mover of inspiration is the a. diaphragm, b. internal intercostals, c. external intercostals, d. abdominal wall muscles.344views
Textbook QuestionThe arm muscle that both flexes and supinates the forearm is the a. brachialis, b. brachioradialis, c. biceps brachii, d. triceps brachii.482views
Textbook QuestionMultiple Choice More than one choice may apply. Which are ways in which muscle names have been derived? a. Attachments b. Size c. Function d. Location300views
Textbook QuestionThe chewing muscles that protract the mandible and produce side-to-side grinding movements are the a. buccinators, b. masseters, c. temporalis, d. pterygoids.425views
Textbook QuestionMuscles that depress the hyoid bone and larynx include all but the a. sternohyoid, b. omohyoid, c. geniohyoid, d. sternothyroid.378views
Textbook QuestionThe strongest masticatory muscle is the (a) pterygoid, (b) masseter, (c) temporalis, (d) mandible.336views
Textbook QuestionIntrinsic muscles of the back that promote extension of the spine (or head) include all but a. splenius muscles, b. semispinalis muscles, c. scalene muscles, d. erector spinae.550views
Textbook QuestionThe muscle that rotates the eye medially is the (a) superior oblique, (b) inferior rectus, (c) medial rectus, (d) lateral rectus.368views
Textbook QuestionSeveral muscles act to move and/or stabilize the scapula. Which of the following are small rectangular muscles that square the shoulders as they act together to retract the scapula? a. levator scapulae, b. rhomboids, c. serratus anterior, d. trapezius.394views
Textbook QuestionImportant flexors of the vertebral column that act in opposition to the erector spinae are the (a) rectus abdominis, (b) longus capitis, (c) longus colli, (d) scalene.262views
Textbook QuestionA prime mover of thigh flexion is the a. rectus femoris, b. iliopsoas, c. vastus muscles, d. gluteus maximus.337views
Textbook QuestionThe major extensor of the elbow is the (a) triceps brachii, (b) biceps brachii, (c) deltoid, (d) subscapularis.268views
Textbook QuestionThe prime mover of thigh extension against resistance is the a. gluteus maximus, b. gluteus medius, c. biceps femoris, d. semimembranosus.318views
Textbook QuestionThe muscles that rotate the radius without producing either flexion or extension of the elbow are the (a) brachialis and brachioradialis, (b) pronator teres and supinator, (c) biceps brachii and triceps brachii, (d) a, b, and c.340views
Textbook QuestionWhich criterion (or criteria) is/are used in naming the gluteus medius? a. relative size, b. muscle location, c. muscle shape, d. action, e. number of origins.328views
Textbook QuestionThe powerful flexor of the hip is the (a) piriformis, (b) obturator, (c) pectineus, (d) iliopsoas.264views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following is a large, deep muscle that protracts the scapula during punching? a. serratus anterior, b. rhomboids, c. levator scapulae, d. subscapularis.307views
Textbook QuestionKnee extensors known as the quadriceps femoris consist of the (a) three vastus muscles and the rectus femoris, (b) biceps femoris, gracilis, and sartorius, (c) popliteus, iliopsoas, and gracilis, (d) gastrocnemius, tibialis, and peroneus.406views
Textbook QuestionWhich muscles act to propel food down the length of the pharynx to the esophagus?236views
Textbook QuestionList the four patterns of fascicle arrangement used to classify the different types of skeletal muscles.400views
Textbook QuestionName and describe the action of muscles used to shake your head no; to nod yes.320views
Textbook Questiona. Name two forearm muscles that are powerful extensors and abductors of the hand. b. Name the sole forearm muscle that can flex the distal interphalangeal joints.355views
Textbook QuestionName four criteria used in naming muscles, and provide an example (other than those used in the text) that illustrates each criterion.488views
Textbook QuestionDifferentiate between the arrangement of elements (load, fulcrum, and effort) in first-, second-, and third-class levers.257views
Textbook Questiona. Name the four muscle pairs that act in unison to compress the abdominal contents. b. How does their arrangement (fiber direction) contribute to the strength of the abdominal wall? c. Which of these muscles can effect lateral rotation of the spine? d. Which can act alone to flex the spine?312views
Textbook QuestionName two muscles in each of the following compartments or regions: f. third muscle layer of the foot, g. posterior compartment of leg, h. medial compartment of thigh, i. posterior compartment of thigh.290views
Textbook QuestionName two muscles in each of the following compartments or regions: a. thenar eminence (ball of thumb), b. posterior compartment of forearm, c. anterior compartment of forearm—deep muscle group, d. anterior muscle group in the arm, e. muscles of mastication,313views
Textbook QuestionWhen Mrs. O'Brien returned to her doctor for a follow-up visit after childbirth, she complained that she was incontinent (having problems controlling her urine flow) when she sneezed. The physician asked his nurse to give Mrs. O'Brien instructions on how to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. To which muscles was he referring?357views
Textbook QuestionAs Kendra's coach watched her sail over the high jump bar, he contracted his right orbicularis oculi muscle, raised his arm, and contracted his opponens pollicis. Was he pleased or displeased with her performance? How do you know?240views
Textbook QuestionThe muscles of the vertebral column include many posterior extensors but few anterior flexors. Why?255views
Textbook QuestionMary's newborn is having trouble suckling. The doctor suggests that it may be a problem with a particular muscle. What muscle is the doctor probably referring to? (a) orbicularis oris, (b) buccinator, (c) masseter, (d) risorius, (e) zygomaticus.268views
Textbook QuestionIf 'adductor' is part of the name of a muscle, what does that tell you about the muscle?a. It is a wide muscle.b. It is a long muscle.c. It raises a body part.d. It pulls a body part toward the midline.227views
Textbook QuestionMatch the term with its description: _____Brevis _____Digitorum _____Hallucis _____Rectus _____Flexor _____Pronatora.a. Related to the fingers/toesb. Straightc.c. Shortd.Decreases the angle between bonese. Turns palm downf. Related to the hallux (great toe)237views
Textbook QuestionMark the following statements as true or false. If the statement is false, correct it to make a true statement.c. The temporalis and occipitalis muscles are attached to each other by the epicranial aponeurosis.252views
Textbook QuestionMark the following statements as true or false. If the statement is false, correct it to make a true statement.b. The orbicularis oris muscle is located around the eye.269views
Textbook QuestionThe thick, bandlike muscle of mastication that covers much of the ramus of the mandible is the:a. masseter muscle.b. temporalis muscle.c. lateral pterygoid muscle.d. risorius muscle.182views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the erector spinae muscles is most lateral to the vertebral column?a. Spinalis muscleb. Iliocostalis musclec. Semispinalis muscled. Longissimus muscle217views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following muscle groups is considered muscles of inspiration?a. External intercostal musclesb. Internal intercostal musclesc. External oblique musclesd. Internal oblique muscles211views
Textbook QuestionWhich of the following is not a muscle of the rotator cuff?a. Teres major muscleb. Teres minor musclec. Subscapularis muscled. Infraspinatus musclee. Supraspinatus muscle408views