24. History of Life on Earth
History of Life on Earth
24. History of Life on Earth History of Life on Earth
The strength of correlation R2 (in which 0.00 is the lowest and 1.0 is the highest) measures the proportion of variation in the dependent variable that can be attributed to the independent variable. Once the strengths of the correlation are identified (i.e. ears size vs. temperature), it must be subjected to analysis for statistical significance (P-value) to identify that the correlation is not attributable by chance. Hence, the importance of a specific trait for the organism's adaptation to existing environmental conditions.
Suppose we determined the strength of correlation (R2) and the traits' corresponding statistical significance (P-value). Which of the following traits is considered the most important?
The strength of correlation R2 (in which 0.00 is the lowest and 1.0 is the highest) measures the proportion of variation in the dependent variable that can be attributed to the independent variable. Once the strengths of the correlation are identified (i.e. ears size vs. temperature), it must be subjected to analysis for statistical significance (P-value) to identify that the correlation is not attributable by chance. Hence, the importance of a specific trait for the organism's adaptation to existing environmental conditions.
Suppose we determined the strength of correlation (R2) and the traits' corresponding statistical significance (P-value). Which of the following traits is considered the most important?