General Biology
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The Himalayan region is home to the world's tallest mountains and amazing species that are only found there. These animals include the giant panda, the wild water buffalo, and the black-necked crane, the only alpine crane in the world. However, the area is being threatened by deforestation. The biogeographic region with significant levels of biodiversity that is threatened by human activities is called:
Climate change and global warming can be intensified with the accumulation of more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Which of the following activities is the primary reason for the anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide?
Corals will eject the algae (Zooxanthellae) that live in their tissues if the water temperature gets too high, turning the coral totally white. This effect is known as:
The strategy in which high-value crops are cultivated under a forest canopy that is intentionally modified or maintained is called:
Species_____ refers to the total number of species in a community, whereas species ____ refers to the total number of individuals within each species.
Borneo, a large Southeast Asian island, was once completely forested in 1900. However, only one-third of the forest remained by 2020. Which of the following activities do you believe is to blame for this?
The number of species present in an area is called species _______.
The biogeographic region that is rich in biodiversity and threatened with destruction is called:
Which of the following could wildlife corridors potentially mitigate?
Which terrestrial ecosystem is with the greatest biodiversity of flora and fauna on this planet?
Which of the following pollutants is considered very harmful as it can pollute the environment for an extended period of time?
_____ is the disruption of an organism's natural habitat, separating it into smaller, disjointed parts.
The rate of global sea level rise is accelerating over time. It has more than doubled from 0.06 inches per year throughout most of the twentieth century to 0.14 inches per year from 2006–2015. What could be the impact of this on wetlands?
Due to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, more carbon is dissolved in the ocean. As the ocean continues to absorb more CO2, the pH decreases. This event is called:
Nearly 20% of the Amazon forest has been lost in the last 50 years. The vast majority of the cleared land was earmarked for livestock ranching. Which of the following will happen as a result of increased deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?
The typical environment of a particular organism, population, or community is called:
After heavy rain in 2012, thousands of fish in a river on Prince Edward Island in Canada were found dead. Given that an agricultural field is already present nearby, pesticide exposure was suspected as the cause of the large fish mortality. How was the aquatic environment contaminated by the pesticide?
There is a significant reduction in the biodiversity of tropical rainforests. The main drivers of tropical forest biodiversity loss are:
The clearance of vast areas of forest is referred to as deforestation. The major effects of deforestation include all except:
Preservation of an endangered species outside its natural habitat is called __________ conservation.
Which of the following means is the most effective for conserving biodiversity?
The rate at which a community recovers from a disturbance is called ________.
Identify the incorrect statement about greenhouse effect.
_____________ is the long-term rise in global temperatures caused by an increase in the concentration of ____________ in the Earth's atmosphere.
The ongoing sixth mass extinction event is the result of which of the following?
Which of the following statements about species extinction is correct?
We are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, which is primarily caused by human activity and is also known as the
How does reducing our dependence on fossil fuels help to reduce our ecological footprint?
How does electric consumption relate to carbon dioxide emissions?
Small populations of an endangered species can be saved from extinction if a disaster strikes in a single location by
Which of the following is not true about fossil fuel burning?
An ecological footprint is the measure of the _____ made by humans on global _____.
Which of the following is the main reason for establishing an area as protected?
Which of the following greenhouse gases is produced by the combustion of fossil fuels?
Identify the threats to biodiversity.
The chance of a species going extinct is decreased by moving members of that species from one geographic region to another due to an increase in:
The loss of genetic diversity in a population _________ the likelihood of its __________.
Identify the protected areas that have been established to preserve biodiversity.
Which of the following statements about restoration ecology is correct?
One of the main causes of chronic illness in the United States is allergies. Climate change is making allergic disorders worse by:
"_________" is a key threshold in climate science that, when crossed, causes significant and frequently irreversible changes in the climate system.
Identify the option that includes the correct statements regarding pesticides.
Excessive plant and algae growth that increases the availability of limiting growth factors required for photosynthesis is referred to as:
The process of conserving and protecting the abundance and variety of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic diversity on the globe is known as:
A decline in the number and variety of species in an ecosystem, a specific geographic location, or the earth as a whole is referred to as:
The second major threat to the biodiversity of the biosphere is:
_______ are those that are unique to a particular region and do not occur naturally elsewhere on the planet.
Species that are at greater risk of extinction due to a sharp decline in their population or the loss of their critical habitat are considered:
The extended, naturally vegetated areas of the landscape that animals utilize to go from one habitat to another are known as:
A species' "birth" is known as _____, while a species' "death" is known as _____.
_____ are places that are given special attention due to their known ecological, cultural, or natural characteristics.
Which of the following is the incorrect match?
Which of the following greenhouse gases has the greatest short-term impact on the greenhouse effect?
Consider the following statements regarding climate change:
1. The Arctic permafrost is melting due to climate change.
2. It results in an increase in biodiversity.
3. Climate change is responsible for the extreme cold spells and colder winters in the US and Europe.
Which of the above statements is correct?
The proportion of dark-colored moths in Manchester was recorded at 98% in 1895, a significant increase from the initial frequency. By the middle of the 19th century, there had been a significant increase in the number of dark-colored moths. This phenomenon is known as:
Which of the following is an example of the hidden cost of fossil fuels?
As a consequence of global warming, biodiversity is starting to dwindle. Which of the following organisms experiences the largest impact of global warming and may soon become extinct if temperature anomalies are not corrected?
Floodplains provide habitat to a wide range of organisms including fish, invertebrates, and birds. They also filter runoff from adjacent agricultural areas. If the floodplains are developed into canals, what will be the impact on the river's water quality?
Due to various human activities, forests are degraded and cleared out. Forests house a wide diversity of animals from microorganisms to large animals such as elephants. Based on the following graph, what is the relationship between the size of protected lands and the number of species?