6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics)
Newton's First & Second Laws
6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics) Newton's First & Second Laws
Ramps are useful machines when loading trucks. In one instance, a worker pulls on a trolley being loaded on a truck with an upward force F that has a direction of 28.0° with the ramp. If the ramp has a slope angle of 15.0°, what is the value of the component Fy perpendicular to the ramp when the Fx component parallel to the ramp is equal to 86.0 N?
Ramps are useful machines when loading trucks. In one instance, a worker pulls on a trolley being loaded on a truck with an upward force F that has a direction of 28.0° with the ramp. If the ramp has a slope angle of 15.0°, what is the value of the component Fy perpendicular to the ramp when the Fx component parallel to the ramp is equal to 86.0 N?