6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics)
Newton's First & Second Laws
6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics) Newton's First & Second Laws
Ramps are useful machines when loading trucks. In one instance, a worker pulls on a trolley being loaded on a truck with an upward force F that has a direction of 26.0° with the ramp. If the ramp has a slope angle of 18.0°, what force magnitude F must the worker apply to generate an Fx component parallel to the ramp equal to 68.0 N?
Ramps are useful machines when loading trucks. In one instance, a worker pulls on a trolley being loaded on a truck with an upward force F that has a direction of 26.0° with the ramp. If the ramp has a slope angle of 18.0°, what force magnitude F must the worker apply to generate an Fx component parallel to the ramp equal to 68.0 N?