6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics)
Newton's First & Second Laws
6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics) Newton's First & Second Laws
Two buckets of sand hang on a frictionless pulley. They are connected with a massless cable such that if one bucket moves up, the other moves downward. The bucket moving downward has an acceleration of 0.6g (where g is the acceleration due to gravity) and a mass of 14.0 kg. Determine the mass of the bucket moving upward.
Two buckets of sand hang on a frictionless pulley. They are connected with a massless cable such that if one bucket moves up, the other moves downward. The bucket moving downward has an acceleration of 0.6g (where g is the acceleration due to gravity) and a mass of 14.0 kg. Determine the mass of the bucket moving upward.