6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics)
Newton's First & Second Laws
6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics) Newton's First & Second Laws
Straps are used to manage forces on body parts with injury. In one instance, a patient with a jaw injury requires a net upward force of 8.0 N applied on the chin using a strap. If the strap has uniform tension throughout its length and the angle between T1 and T2 is 65°, what tension should be set in the strap to provide the desired upward force?
Straps are used to manage forces on body parts with injury. In one instance, a patient with a jaw injury requires a net upward force of 8.0 N applied on the chin using a strap. If the strap has uniform tension throughout its length and the angle between T1 and T2 is 65°, what tension should be set in the strap to provide the desired upward force?