6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics)
Newton's First & Second Laws
6. Intro to Forces (Dynamics) Newton's First & Second Laws
A 140 kg drone runs out of fuel at a high altitude near the earth's poles. The drone has no safety gear such as a parachute. It begins falling towards the earth's surface and crushes into the snow at 278 km/h penetrating a depth of 68.0 cm. Determine the force exerted on the drone by the snow during the crush expressed in Newtons. What multiple of its weight is this?
A 140 kg drone runs out of fuel at a high altitude near the earth's poles. The drone has no safety gear such as a parachute. It begins falling towards the earth's surface and crushes into the snow at 278 km/h penetrating a depth of 68.0 cm. Determine the force exerted on the drone by the snow during the crush expressed in Newtons. What multiple of its weight is this?